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Slim Weight Patch

The Slim Weight Patch is a new method to help you manage your food balance 
and your food lifestyle.
It helps you manage your appetite and hunger cravings. All the ingredients are used in the body’s metabolic pathways and adds to factors that aid in slimming.

  In customer testimonials supplied to Roduve, it was found that most people lose 
from 2 to 4 lbs. per week. There have been cases reported of as much as 6-lbs. weight loss in 
one week.

 Patch technology: Most supplements are taken orally and dosage intervals may be inconvenient. Some of them are partly destroyed or neutralized in the stomach, intestine or liver before reaching the bloodstream. Accordingly, a higher dose is needed to ensure efficacy, which in turn may increase the risk of side effects.
Use Slim Weight Patch and get that slim look you always wanted!

Slim Weight Patch